Silvipasture Development programme through peoples initiatives completed on 31 march 2007, in two phases.
Project Started on 1.1.2002, BAIF has conducted meetings with Villagers and selected 76 locations for 2550 ha. development against target of 2520 ha. in first phase 76 Village Management Committee formated and worked done through VMC. 15013 (5303 BPL) families benefited. Rs.310.42 lacs (231.92 Central + 76.34 state + 2.16 interest) available against 386.55 lacs budget. 305.82 lacs utilize for 2550 ha. development as on 31.12.2003.
To utilize balance budget, and interest of villagers, proposal submitted for 500 ha. development. worked started from 1.4.2005 in 18 villages and completed on 31.3.2007. 4442 families (2903 BPL) benefited. Rs.73.52 lacs (4.51 balance fund of Phase-I + 47.97 Central + 20.22 state + 0.82 interest) available for development, against this 75.59 lacs utilized for development of 500 hectares. Rs.2.07 lacs excess expenses done by BAIF in project.
Many VMCs are strongest and working efficiently, and silvipasture location is a model for Silvipasture Development. |