
RRIDMA Profile


The transition to a sustainable agricultural and food production system is an essential precondition to a secure and sustainable future for the human beings. We must give highest priority to ensure this happens as we move into the new millennium. We have already entered a technology driven world. It is important that the economic benefits reach our small and marginal farmers through adoption of modern technologies. Our future programmes should be built on the strong foundation already laid through effective partnership among government organisations, NGOs, universities and other stake holders.

In this new millennium, India must earn a place among the frontrunners in development. This could be accomplished through strengthening our research and programme delivery system. We must also be vigilant proactive and responsive to the changing social economic and technical needs. In order to progress  in the  21st century our human resource must be self motivated, equipped with good professional qualities, have proper attitude with adequate technical, communication, computer application and management skills.

RRIDMA aims at improving the quality of rural life through sustainable development of the degraded natural resources-land, livestock, water and vegetation using the idle human time through multidisciplinary programmes. While livelihood is the focal point of development, RRIDMA recognizes the basic need to overcome the problems of health, illiteracy, empowerment of women and development of local leadership to ensure better quality of life. However, a suitable entry point is the key to success. This is done through participatory rural appraisal of local problems and selection of suitable interventions. Promotion of grass root level organisations to manage the progrmme ensures sustainable development

The programmes backed by the identification of solution to field problems through applied research, transfer of technologies through an extensive network of dedicated professionals and enhancement of local participation through training and demonstrations have ensured livelihood for rural poor while improving the ecosystem.

With this vision RRIDMA, has been working in the rural areas of the state. The major challenge today is to ensure that the potential of the programmes with multidisciplinary approach should be fully realized as they are powerful instruments of poverty alleviation.
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